Sunday, January 9, 2022

Wrestle Strong Dojo- WSD TV S3 Ep22 Treston. Australian Professional Strong Style Wrestling


WSD is home to some of Australia’s best in ring technicians including multiple Australian Heavyweight Champion Dean Draven, MMA fighter and Fighters Against Child Abuse Charity President Adam Facaa, from Mexico the Muay Thai luchador El Mas Terrible’, The Problem Child Jake Gibson, The Hot Shot Banjo Powers, The Mystic Nation with Dragon Tamer Mystic Jess and the Yoga Master Shaz Namaste, The She Wolf Leto, The Human Tank Aragon, Joey Foxx, The Japanese Pirate Kaizoku, Calypso, The Strong Style Samari La Sarah, The Heavyweight of Heavy Metal - Metal Corey, Jack Hollering of the Solution, Bonesaw Brown, CJ Young and many more. Wrestle Strong Dojo is situated in Sydney NSW Australia and is ran by owner and head trainer Amy Action.The Dojo has live shows around NSW and partners with the charity Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia to bring you strong style wrestling with characterisation and dynamic sports entertainment. For more on Wrestle Strong Dojo visit

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