Sunday, December 5, 2021

Get A Load of This Lie - Shawn Michaels Says NXT 2.0 Is The “Only Brand” Producing Fresh Talent (Yeah Okay, LMAO!)


I guess McMahon is paying Michaels a lot of money if he can come out and blatantly lie like this. 

WWE Hall Of Famer Shawn Michaels was recently interviewed by  Jim Varsallone about NXT. And here's the quote.

Shawn Michaels spoke about the focus on young wrestlers in NXT 2.0. He stated they are the only brand in the world that is pushing completely fresh talent. Forgetting that there's dozens of indie groups that are doing the same and up until recently, NXT was GETTING their talent from those indie groups. 

Nice try though Shawnyboy, nice try.. Better luck next time.

Here's the quote. 

“Now I recognize right now that one of the cool buzz words in this business is, ‘we’re producing new, young, fresh superstars.’ And they’re actually people that have been around this job for 10 or 15 years and they’re just now making it onto television,” he said. “We are the only brand in the entire world that is bringing, real true-to-life, young, fresh men and women, that are going to be the stars of Raw and SmackDown in the next 5 to 10 years. It’s just that simple."

What's simple is, he's full of shit and many people know it.

There's so many indie groups out there that are doing what Shawn CLAIMS to be doing, BUT.. Knowing how bad NXT has been since Vince McMahon and Bruce Prichard got a hold of it.. Shawn's claims here don't hold much water.

Again, nice try.. But we know you're just saying, what you're PAID and TOLD, to say.

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