Thursday, October 14, 2021

So Which News Site Posted Something Only Their "VIP Members" Could See That Actually Can Be Seen By Everyone For Free?


Yep, You guessed it, PWInsider posted the Good Brothers' Media Call and ONLY people who PAY for their ahem 'VIP Membership' could allegedly see it.

And THIS, is how fucking stupid they are for pulling that stunt.

Look right here, right on THIS SITE no less and what do you have? 

DDAAMMNN, wouldn't it know? it's the SAME media call PWInsider posted for only their "VIP members", aaahahahahahahahaha.

Now why would anyone want to 'hear' the media call when a site like this one  gives you both audio and video of it?

Only a fucking moron would pay for a "VIP membership to see something everyone can see for free. 

Here's the link to my story on it, right here.

And here's the link to it where anyone and everyone can get it for FREE, on YouTube.

How's it feel Mike Johnson to look like a fucking moron, again?

Because only a fucking dumb ass would post something like that only for VIP Members that people can see for free. 

You can again thank me for pointing out the stupidity.. They sure do, like to bring this on themselves to show they at PWInsider aren't the sharpest knives in the fucking drawer, that's for sure. 

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