Thursday, October 14, 2021

Mance Warner To Become A Free Agent Soon (Not like MLW Has Been Actually TRYING To use Him Correctly Mind You)

 Mance Warner will reportedly become a free agent in just a few months.

It was previously reported that Warner asked to be released from his MLW contract in October 2020, but was denied. 

Why deny him if you're not gonna fucking use him Court Bauer? How "Vince McMahon" is that lame, weak ass shit? That's straight out of the WWE book and if you're not going use him or push him correctly, then why keep him under contract? Only a fucking idiot does that kind of bitch move. 

Afraid he may get better success elsewhere and it'll make you look like an idiot Court? 

Mance Warner will reportedly become a free agent in just a few months.

It was previously reported that Warner asked to be released from his MLW contract in October 2020, but was denied. 

Why deny him if you're not gonna fuicking use him Court Bauer? How "Vince McMahon" is that lame, weak ass shit? That's straight out of the WWE book and if you're not goinna use him or push him correctly, then why keep him under contract? 

Afraid he may get better success elsewhere and it'll make you look like an idiot Court? 

It was also reported that AEW and WWE both had interest in Warner, and that he had been backstage for multiple AEW events.

In an update, Warner’s MLW contract will reportedly expire at the end of January 2022, according to Cassidy Haynes of Bodyslam. There is said to be no non-compete clause as the deal is expiring, which means Warner will be free to sign with any promotion.

Warner has been quietly awaiting free agency after MLW denied multiple requests to be released from his contract, which shows how much of a bitch ass Court Bauer is. There is no word on if he is interested in pursuing a career with AEW or WWE. As seen in the tweets below, Warner recently had a Twitter exchange with MJF, where “The Southern Psycho” said the top AEW heel is safe until February.

Warner currently holds the GCW Tag Team Titles with Matthew Justice. They will defend against The Briscoes at GCW’s War Ready event in Los Angeles on Saturday, October 23

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