Friday, August 6, 2021

Amalie Arena Deletes Tweet On Photo/Video Policy For Tonight’s WWE SmackDown (But Didn't Delete It Fast Enough)


The Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida tweeted a message on how fans will not be allowed to take photos or videos while at tonight’s WWE SmackDown taping, but that post has since been deleted. But as you can see it wasn't deleted quick eniough because i, and others have it. 

Many arenas, and WWE in general, have policies that prohibit fans from taking photos or videos during TV tapings, but they’re usually not posted to social media on the day of the show, and rarely are they enforced. I've been to several WWE shows including pay per views and photos are taken all the time. People have used their cell phones to film stuff so no matter what the "policy" may be? There's no way you can enforce it on thousands of people in one arena.

Good luck trying that, it's a failure every time. 

The arena tweeted today and said the policy is strict, and failure to comply will result in ejection from the building.

“TONIGHT – @WWE #SmackDown is in the building! There will be a strict NO photo/video recording policy tonight. Failure to comply will result in ejection. Wearing a mask is highly encouraged,” they wrote.

The post has since been deleted. But not done fast enough if I and others can freely post it. Nice try though (rolls eyes). 

The arena website for tonight’s SmackDown includes the following paragraph: “No video recording or streaming of this event is permitted (including through use of cell phones). Failure to comply will subject you to ejection from the building.”

Wonder why they got so scared and tried to quickly delete it? I wonder WHO 'told' them to delete it? 

Either way, they look even more like dumb fucks because they deleted it, but yet, here it is.

Congratulations on making yourselves look like total dipshits. Job well done.

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