Friday, August 13, 2021

AEW Star Jake Hager gets "Checked" By Gable Steveson (And Put In His place With, A Quickness I Might Add)


Better have that $20,000 ready there, Jake. I have a fgeeling you'll be giving it to Gabe, sand deep down inside? You know it too.

Olympic gold medalist Gable Steveson has been making a lot of media appearances lately, as he continues to weigh his future options between professional wrestling, MMA and football.

On Thursday, AEW star Jake Hager appeared to throw down the gauntlet at Steveson and Gable quickly 'checked' Jake with this.

DDAAMMN, talk about getting 'treated'. How'd that feel Jakeyboy? Feel the burn because you definitely, got burned.

Bellator President Steve Coker chimed in, encouraging the two fight inside a cage. Hager then offered Steveson a choice of three cities where they can have their fight and again, Jake got "checked" when gable handed Jake his ass with this.

BOOM! Talk about being put in your place. Jake clearly got 'owned' here.

Maybe Jake should either back down from this because if Gable DOES take him down? it'll be the easiest twenty grand he ever made. Plus it'll be a real embarrassment to AEW to see 'one of their own' get owned and 'chumped' in a public display like that. 

Jake, just quietly send gable the twenty grand and stick to the bad booking and horrible product that Tony Khan pays you to be a part of. That is probably, your best bet.

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