Tuesday, July 13, 2021



Former pro wrestler Candy Cartwright has dropped her lawsuit against WWE star Matt Riddle. TMZ first reported the news that Cartwright (real name Samantha Tavel) filed for a dismissal on Monday. It's unknown what precipitated the decision or whether there was a financial settlement.

Cartwright's attorney told TMZ, "The parties have put this in their past and are focused on the future."

The suit was filed last October and included Riddle, WWE, EVOLVE, and Gabe Sapolsky. The other defendants were dropped from the suit since then.

She alleged that she and Riddle were in a van in 2018 with three other wrestlers. After the others had fallen asleep while traveling, Riddle overtly propositioned her for sex. She refused, but said Riddle grabbed her throat and threatened her with "What if I just made you?" She said she eventually gave him oral sex to get out of the situation.

Cartwright's attorney said at the time that the incident was one of "a multitude of sexual assaults" committed against Cartwright by Riddle from 2017 through January 2020. Riddle denied any wrongdoing while admitting he had an affair with Cartwright. At one point, he said they were going to sue her for cyberstalking.

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