Friday, June 11, 2021

W. Morrissey CROSSES THE LINE (Not In This Match) vs Willie Mack! | IMPACT! Highlights June 10, 2021


W. Morrissey to me looks like Andrew Martin's (Test) brother but everyone knows he was Big Cass in the WWE. 

So, in a "No DQ" match we have just a chain and a chair involved? Makes me want to go watch some old school bunkhouse matches or "Lights Out" matches from the past where THOSE MATCHES came off better than, this. 

Since Willie Mack is one of those guys where with me you either get over right away, or you never will.. Willie Mack never will and that feeling goes back to when he was working for Championship Wrestling From Hollywood. So I was hoping for a piledriver on the chair maybe? A Dick Murdoch style brain buster on the chair, perhaps? 

Then I had to remind myself that this, is Impact Wrestling. And what i was hoping for? I was hoping for too much.

So the title of this clip I'm watching is titled "W. Morrissey CROSSES THE LINE vs Willie Mack!". Well now that I watched this whole clip, from start to finish.. When is he actually going to 'cross the line'?

Because it sure the FUCK, didn't happen here. 

Rich Swann comes in after the match where Morrissey set a chair on Mack's face in a corner, his save didn't last as Morrissey shut him down and put him down for good AS, the 'crack security crew' stood there and watched (pretty much).

I know this was to push Morrissey vs Swann this Saturday but it did nothing for me in terms of WHY, I would want to see this match. I'd rather watch my toilet flush than watch that match.

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