Friday, June 11, 2021

Kojima STANDS TALL,(Whoopie) Violent By Design On The Run (Not really) | IMPACT! Highlights June 10, 2021


Eddie Edwards' matchup with Joe Doering was "eeehhh" at best. Maybe it's the way Impact presents their wrestlers because most of them just don't get over with me, and the lazy booking Scotty D'Amore (before Don Callis and since I'm sure) hasn't given me any "MMPPHH' to get emotionally enticed into the whole mens roster. 

This is no different.

Eddie Edwards almost the same kinds of moves half a dozen other members of the Impact Roster does. What does he do that stands out from the others? 


And Joe Doering looks like a poor man's JBL when JBL was doing the cowboiy gimmick in All Japan Pro Wrestling and his early days in WWE. Just what you always wanted. Josh Alexander being a bargain basement Kurt Angle and Joe Doering being a flea market version of JBL. (HUGE yawn). All Joe needs is to add a lame version of the Clothesline From Hell and he'll have it down pat. 

Needless to say this had me wanting to hit fast forward, really fast. That's how "exciting" and how much of an "Impact" these two were having on Impact Wrestling.

Satoshi Kojima comes running in when Deaner trips Edwards causing a DQ and "Boring" By Design enter the ring to attack Edwards. 

Watching this has made me sleepy. Hopefully he last match might wake me up.

Doubtful as this IS, Impact wrestling.. Where the only impact most of their product has is "Impacting' my insomnia and curing it. 

At least Impact Wrestling (for the most part) is good for 'something'. :)

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