Friday, June 11, 2021

CHAOS REIGNS (No It Doesn't, They're Lying yet Again) As X-Division Collision Is Boring As Hell | IMPACT! Highlights June 10, 2021


Well it's obvious the guys in this match didn't watch the womens matches at all because here we are, back to the flip flop, gymnastic cheerleading bullshit that has shitty "Selling".

Just when you start to have some hope? Leave it to these four guys, to throw that wee bit of hope for a great show out the window. 

Thanks guys (Sarcastic 'thumbs up')

Flip flop, no sell, flip, flop, no sell. Pretty much wash rinse, repeat. God is this boring, as fuck. No psychology, no "telling a story within the match:",  just this same ol flippity flop bullshit that has no real rhyme or reason to it. 

That "We got to get all our spots in, even though nobody will remember half of them after the match is over" mentality is definitely in play here.

Now before you "Marks" start whining about THIS is how X-Division matches always were? I can be the one that calls bullshit, and I will right now, BULLSHIT!

Samoa Joe was X- Division champion at least three times, you ever see HIM, do this flip flop gymnastic routine in them kind of matches? Nope. Abyss was an X-Division champion and same question.. You see him do this acrobatic crap? No siree.. Mike Bennet? NNAAA, no way. And oh yeah, Bobby Lashley.. When have you seen him do flip flop shit when he had the title? Um, never. SO, I call bullshit and am right again.

Pretty sad that a Ricky Steamboat vs Brian Nobbs match from the NAWA back in 1990 got over better with me than this shit. BUT, this is the shit Impact thinks is "good" so fans of this who know no better think, it's "good" when it really isn't.

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