Wednesday, June 23, 2021

THEN? There's This Clown- Joey Janela Kicked Out Of School Board Meeting For Trolling With Anti-Mask Rant


Most states have lifted their mask requirements so Joey once again, makes himself look like an ass clown. This comes as no surprise as Joey ("Jelly" as he's known in some circles) Has made it a habit for himself to make himself look likke an ass clown.

AEW star Joey Janela interrupted a Seminole County school board meeting Tuesday and was subsequently kicked out for trolling the officials in attendance in what appeared to be a Borat-type appearance.

Janela was at the meeting, as was released WWE referee Drake Wuertz (another moron), who has been actively protesting against the mask mandate in recent months. Wuertz has also promoted conspiracy theories related to Q-anon.

After getting kicked out of the meeting, Janela tweeted:

The link for his little video, for the three people who may want to see it, is here. 

After watching this video my thought is, God I hope he doesn't practice attempting to do wrestling promos that way, because he really sucks. 

Someone has to tell it like it is so since nobody else wil. I'll be the one who's happy to do it (smiles) You're welcome.

As I said ol jelly Joey has had a habit of making himself look like a fucking idiot. I myself have Jelly Joey in his place on Twitter and he went from being an alleged "Bad Boy" to bitch boy when I showed him what a dumb ass he is. And when the truth smacked him he showed that he can dish it out, but runs like a bitch boy when he can't take it. 

When Combat Zone Wrestling got exposed for their horrible treatment of women wrestlers who worked for them, THIS.. Is what ol jelly brain Joey had to say about it.

Yeah, he really isn't, the sharpest knive in the drawer.

And when I took him to task on that statement? THIS is what he does.

Runs away and hides behind a block, blocking me because the truth smacked him too much. 

So yes, ol Jelly Joey is indeed a fucking moron. 

Thanks Joey, thank you for showing us you're still good at one thing, being a complete dumb ass. 

Keep up the good work Joey (sarcastic 'thumbs up'). 

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