Saturday, June 5, 2021

Cody Rhodes Calls Andrade El Idolo Joining AEW A “Big Signing By Tony” (LMAO! Yeah Right, No It's Not)


Andrade El Idolo made his AEW debut on last night’s episode of Dynamite. This afternoon a fan asked Cody Rhodes how he felt about the former WWE Superstar joining AEW.

The former TNT Champion replied that he was excited and that it was a “big signing by Tony Khan.”.


Who the fuck is he trying to convince with that statement? Idolo isn't that 'big' of a signing. Sorry to spill the truth Cody but, facts are indeed, facts.

If he's such a "BIG signing" what does that make the signings of Sting, Big Show, Christian and Mark Henry? 

It's not like AEW has been doing much with THEM 'big signings", LOL.

All Idolo's signing is, is just another WWE cast off who's now going to be managed by ANOTHER

Funny how I've said that statement in a number of places, especially on AEW's FB pages and not ONE WWE cast off. Vicky Guerrero.

Funny how I've said that statement in a number of places, especially on AEW's FB pages and not ONE "AEW Mark" could argue that fact. Not, one.. HHHMMM.

Remember when people in AEW claimed and SWORE they were going to be the, ahem.. "Cough Cough" Alternative to WWE? You don't remember? Here, I'll show you.

Straight from Mr. AEW EVP Cody Rhodes's mouth.

Yeah I bet all the "Marks" forgot about that.

OH, but what about THIS, Cody said AEW "Won't have many former WWE stars".

You forget he said it? Well here's proof since proof is a mother fucker and we all know I'm a mother fucker who'll always have the proof. 

Sting, Vickey Guerrero, Dustin Runnels, Taz, Jim Ross, Christian, Paul Wright and now Andrade El Idolo.. HMM seems like there's "many many" former WWE stars employed by AEW. 

Don't you just love how people always say one thing, yet do another, and don't think that shit will come back to slap them in the face?

At least I have the balls to bring all this up. The Mike Johnson's, the Dave Scherer's, The Wade Keller's won't do it. And Dave Meltzer sure isn't gonna do it since he's trying to kiss every ass in AEW he can. SO, it'll always be up to me to bring up what the other 'big time' wrestling writers don't have the balls to bring up. And you can thank me for being the only one, who has the balls to do it.

In the end Cody is of course wrong with his ASSumption, that Idolo is a 'big signing' for Tony "The Money Mark" Khan. It's just another guy that WWE let go that AEW and won't do much with. 

Instead of trying to get a 'buzz' by signing WWE's ex-employees, why not get a 'buzz' by having a better show? Instilling some logic to your storylines, Have some actual 'selling' of moves in the matches and let someone who has ACTUAL BOOKING EXPERIENCE, book and do the shows? HHHEEYY, now that'd be a hell of a concept, eh?

Of course it's a concept all in AEW will continue to ignore because according to them, THEY.. "Know what they're doing".

Just ask them, and they'll sure tell you, LMAO!

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