Thursday, May 20, 2021

Tag Team Partners COLLIDE! (And THIS, Was Way Better Than The Men's Matches, "OOOO", Zing!) | IMPACT! Highlights May 20, 2021


The only gripes on this are. Why have tag team partners face each other in a singles match? This be from the file of "We have nothing else for you"? The "Creative' at Impact getting 'creatively challenged"? 

And when Grace missed her 'Vader Bomb" and bounced hard on the mat, the whopping second and a half of 'selling' that miss was very obvious. I guess she wasn't properly trained in how to 'sell' misses like that. Maybe someone there should actually show her, how that's done.

Other than that, THIS MATCH blew away all the men's matches easily. 

Great back and forth action. Nice technical wrestling from both competitors. None of that flip flop dumb ass acrobatic shit that nobody believes anyway.. And the announcers actually put in the time and effort to get a fan to be emotionally involved and interested in it. 

Someone in charge at Impact should take notes from this because THIS, is how you get a match over. Impact should try doing more of this more often.

Sad part is, between this match and Tasha Steele's great 'selling' in a match I saw a few days ago.. The women are slowly blowing the men away when it comes to great performances. 

Of course nobody at Impact will be paying attention to that, don't you know.

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