Thursday, May 20, 2021

NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS in Shocking Finish (Not Really) | IMPACT! Highlights May 20, 2021


FinJuice defend the IMPACT Tag Team Championships against #1 contenders Ace Austin and Madman Fulton, but they can't possibly be ready for what comes next!

What comes next is the reasons why many people watch something other than Impact Wrestling.

Thankfully the 'selling' in this is way better than it usually is. Guess someone heard me when i said a few days back that Tasha Steele "sells" better than 98% of the wrestlers in all the major federations today. Guess someone in Management actually said "Hey, you guys actually have to 'sell' moves out there". Imagine that. 

That leaping spin kick to Finley was so slow, HOW could Finley NOT, see that coming? (rolls eyes) 

I think it's the way Impact presents their wrestlers that has me wondering "Why am I giving a shit about this match"? They do have a long, sad and bad habit of not presenting their wrestlers well. 

And why is it it seems, every tag team, in Impact, AEW and WWE seem to do all the same kind of moves? Nothing really makes either of these two teams stand out, over any teas in AEW or WWE. Pretty much all doing the same ol same ol moves. BBOORRIINNNGG! Slater and Orton, Gordy and Snuka, Hell I watched a match from Japan that featured Kerry Von Erich and Dory Funk jr. as a tag team and all the teams I just listed, did stuff that stood out, even to this day you watch them old matches. Stand out way better than this crap here on Impact.

Sorry but someone has to tell the truth here. So I'll do it for you. You're welcome. 

OOHH No, the Lame By Design, er.. Violent By Design have come out. "OOOOO" earth shattering moments here, NOT!

Love how Ryno and his partner stand on the ring apron and 'pose' like there's fans in the arena, LMAO! DUH, Dumb asses. Nothing like 'posing' for piped in cheers and boos, hahahahahahaha!

So now we have Ryno and Joe Doering (Yawn) challenging for the tag titles that Finley and Robinson just won. There's a minute and forty five seconds left in this highlight and I have a feeling, it's going to be a LLOONGG minute and forty five seconds. 

I was right, it was. And Ryno's Gore on Juice looked so weak too, especially when Juice literally took three steps into it. Nothing like making it obvious, eh?

One of the commentators said "Ryno has such a legacy". He does? Yeah ok, if you say so. 

And now you have Ryno and Doering as the NEW Impact tag Champions. ZZZZZZZZZZZ. 

Here's the link, you're not missing much here, believe me.

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