Saturday, April 10, 2021

Sami Callihan & Trey Miguel TEAM UP?! (Whirls Finger saying 'Whoopie") | IMPACT! Highlights April 8, 2021


I don't see how or why Sami Callihan is pushed and hyped so much. I really don't. he doesn't nothing for me, mic wise, or talent (what there is of it) wise. There's nothing there except the feeling of me wanting to watch something else every time I see him. 

Typical Trey doing highs pots that have no psychology here. Like a fucking acrobatic routine more than a wrestling match. 

Larry D "sells" way better than Trey. But I guess that's the difference in who was trained correctly (Larry D), and who wasn't (Trey).

Someone really should get the balls to tell Trey that 'selling' is a good thing. Since nobody in Impact has the balls to do that, I just did it for them.

You can thank me now. :)

I love how Sammi 'sells' a clothesline by Ace Romero that totally missed him, LMAO! It's so fucking obvious that it didn't even come close, but there's ol Sami, 'selling' it, LMAO!

What is it with wrestlers at Impact not doing moves correctly? Is that the 'new thing' now? Just be lazy as fuck since Impact is gonna pay you no matter what? 

Again, all these cheers but not one fan to be found cheering. (shakes head). They really don't put alot of thought into this show. 

This wasn't bad. But it wasn't good either.

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