Saturday, April 10, 2021

Jazz vs Susan: BTI April 8, 2021 | IMPACT Wrestling


I love how wrestlers on this show come to the ring, walk around the ring to 'cheers', but there isn't one fan at the show cheering, LOL!

Make it obvious you're piping in the cheers why don't you. 

Whoever considers jazz to be a 'legend' really has no clue as to what a legend really is. SHE, doesn't qualify.. Sherri Martel, Candi Devine, Medusa, Wendy Richtor, THOSE are legends.

Isn't his the same Jazz that 'retired' for like two weeks because nobody anywhere was willing to booker her? Yep, sure is.

Funny how when someone finally feels sorry for her and offers her a job, that 'retirement' sure gets thrown out the window with a quickness, eh? 

Susan in the opening minutes of the match, 'sells' way better than most of the men on the Impact, AEW and WWE rosters. DAMN.. Does that say alot.

Jazz has influenced so many wrestlers, male and female? BWAHAHAHAHAHA! In what universe is that true? Please, name five people she's influenced. I'll wait....

I'll be waiting a very long time for that answer. 

Jazz's throws on Susan out of the corner looked lame as fuck. Like she wasn't even TRYING, or WANTING to do the move correctly. Is this how she's supposedly 'influenced' people? Influence them to do moves in the worst manner possible?

Susan is bashed face first into the steel ring steps but no blood, no bruise.. MMM, MMM, MMM..

Thank God I only watch these highlights because watching the whole show? Would be nauseating. That's how bad this shit is.

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