Friday, April 9, 2021

Hope Nobody Was Forced To Watch This, Really Lame As- Eric Young TAKES OUT Chris Harris, Storm & Sabin | IMPACT! Highlights April 8, 2021


Eric Young didn't take ANYONE out, Ryno and Deaner did, so the title of this video is a lie.

Eric Young kept saying "His blood is on your hands" but where's the blood? OOHH, there is none.. No blood, HHHMMM. Guess someone forgot to add that aspect to the angle, eh?

Ryno nailed James Storm with the worst looking Gore I've ever seen. He didn't even TRY to do it correctly and Storm didn't even 'take' the move correctly. 

Whoever thought this was good? Is wrong.. This was fucking pathetic to watch. 

If you want to force yourself to watch this shit, here's the link.

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