Wednesday, September 23, 2020

How Hypocritical AEW Is

 Yes, it's true, AEW have proven to hypocrites on a continuous basis. Ever since they started they have continuously said one thing, yet did another. But of course the AEW marks and fans, either don't see it, or don't 'want' to see it. Even though it's so obvious a blind man can see it.

What I'm gonna do is list the many examples that show that indeed, everyone who's running AEW are indeed hypocrites. How they've said one thing, claimed one thing, but yet the opposite is what they've done.

And funny how nobody has the balls to call them on it.. So since nobody has them kind of balls it's gonna be left up to me to step and do what the other wrestling writers won't do. Call out AEW on their hypocritical actions.

Let's start with this.

Kenny Omega on AEW vs WWE. "We're not looking to compete with WWE"

But yet here you are, doing just that, with Chris Jericho bragging about how they're winning the ratings almost every week. 

Makes you go "HHHHMMM".

Chris Jericho Says No Real War with AEW and WWE.. But yet he's bragging about ratings every week. Open mouth and insert foot. 

Jericho also claimed they're not worried about WWE but again, if that's the case why you always talking about them? If you're not worried then stop talking about them and DO.. What you said WWE should do. Concentrate on your own product.. Funny how the say one thing yet do another keeps coming back to haunt people at AEW, eh?

Cody Rhodes Says "AEW Doesn't Want To Hire Many Established Stars".

But yet that's about all they HAVE BEEN doing.. So once again... HHHMMMMM.

Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Vicky Guerrero, Brian Cage, Jake Roberts, Taz, GGEEEEEE, they sure look like 'established stars' to me, how about all of you? FTR, The guy now known as Miro, Moxley, "AEW doesn't want to hire many established stars, MY ASS"! 

Nice try there, Cody.. You can go ahead and kick yourself in the ass for making that claim cause you sure lied your ass off on it.

Then of course there was Cody as TNT Champion, doing EXACTLY what he bitched about Triple H doing, Always booking himself to win, week after week after week. But I guess when you're an executive vice president, you can book yourself that way over allowing a young guy to be the first champion and get that title over. Another thing the AEW marks and fanboys seem to want to selectively look away from and avoid talking about.

And what happened to Dynamite being more "sports oriented"? First few weeks that was what they did, but suddenly.. Without any explanation, they veered away from that.. Again, HHHMMM.. 

I guess the people running AEW have the same logic Vince McMahon has about wrestling fans, they think we're stupid and won't notice these things.. WRONG! Funny how they say they don't want to be like WWE but yet they're going right by that playbook, in more ways than none.. But again, the marks and fanboys for some reason choose to ignore these obvious things for some reason.. But will slam the WWE for doing it.. HHMMMM, interesting logic and mentality the marks have nowadays.

But wait.. We're not done yet.. There's more.. Much more.. It keeps coming like a fucking domino effect.

People in AEW claimed over and over that there wouldn't be any writers hired for their shows, and there wouldn't be any written promos either. They were gonna let the wrestlers do their own promos because they didn't want to be like the WWE, that has written promos.. BBUUTT.. If that was the case then why is it that Chris Jericho is writing Miro's promos? 

Jericho takes credit for it, here's his quote. Taken from acouple different interviews he recently did.

Chris Jericho also revealed that he helped write Rusev’s debut promo in AEW where the newest AEW star took some serious shots at his former employers:

"When he indirectly mentioned WWE, talking about the glass ceiling and brass ring, that was actually my line".

If you say there isn't going to be anyone writing promos and then you have Jericho saying he helped write Miro's promo.. Doesn't that go against all the claims AEW has been making? Yep, sure does.. Why bother making these claims if you're just gonna say 'fuck it' and not follow thru on them? Pretty fucking stupid on AEW'S part.

And speaking of Miro, OH MY GOD, who's the fucking idiot who thought booking Miro so stupidly was a brilliant idea? For everyone, myself included, who has slammed WWE on the fucking lame ass gimmicks they come up for their wrestlers, what about this example of pathetically lame booking here? The former Rusev goes from being a bad ass (somewhat) in WWE to being a comedy wrestler that isn't getting over in any way, shape or form in AEW? Someone in creative in AEW thinks THIS, is a fucking great idea? (Rolls eyes). Guess what, it isn't, but of course even though you claim to 'listen to the fans', you'll insist on shoving this weak ass gimmick down our throats, won't you.

Then of course there's "Stone Cold" Jon Moxley.. This little guy comes down to the ring, no sells everything everybody throws at him and we're supposed to believe it.. Um, no sorry. Not working. Why don't you just go ahead and trade mark "Moxley 3:16" since that's obviously what you're trying to do. 

Curious question. Who are the dumb fucks that taught these guys that no selling is a great thing to do? How about someone answer that.. Then explain how no selling, not just Moxley, but others on the roster in AEW can be justified? 'Selling' being punched, attacked, etc is all part of the art of telling the story, but when you no sell and deliberately no sell, and don't have the balls to explain how you think no selling is the way to go.. it shows the inexperience the people behind the scenes in AEW  have when it comes to properly booking and executing an angle, match, show, etc. 

You have a guy like Dean Malenko as an agent there.. Along with the stars like Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson.. Why aren't THEY, stepping up and mentioning how selling is supposed to be done? What, nobody has the balls to do that because they might lose their weekly payday? How much you wanna bet that that, is the reason. Go from being 'yes men' in WWE to being 'yes men' in AEW.

Another curious question you KNOW, won't get answered. 

Did Ivelisse get talked to about her blatant no selling in her match against Thunder Rosa? Even the most casual fan could she was no selling and being uncooperative. But you no the answer to this question.. The answer is, no. 

Thankfully I, unlike most wrestling writers have a background of working in wrestling, watching the late Walter 'Killer' Kowalski's students at shows in New England, Watching and learning particular things I wanted to learn at his school when it was in Malden, Massachusetts..   I even watched the WWF'S training dojo they had in the 90's that was run by Dory Funk jr. and Dr. Tom Prichard. I watched how selling was MORE than emphasized, by Funk, Tom and Bruce Prichard, Kowalski, William Regal when he appeared on the 'dojo shows' in New England, and more. So somewhere along the line people either started to incorrectly train people that no selling is perfectly okay. Or people who were, trained wrong started thinking that they, could they could train people and train others wrong. And since nobody in AEW who has that true experience, has the real guts to say anything. No selling flippy floppy bullshit.. Is now what people get and are taught to think is a 'good' product, when it's really not.

AEW wants to be WCW with an influx of ECW ssoo bad.. But how is that an alternative when you're doing exactly the opposite of what you claimed you were going to do? How are you the alternative to the WWE when you're doing many things that are, STRAIGHT OUT, of the WWE'S playbook? 

Funny how all these hypocrisies are here, and nobody either has the guts to call AEW out on them, or in AEW'S case, dare to explain it all. 

So since nobody else has the balls to do this and I do? You're welcome. 

Too bad the only feedback I'll probably get from this, is the marks and fanboys whining, because when the truth hurts, the whining always starts.

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