Monday, October 7, 2019

Why Download Or Stream Tom Lawlor's Media Call When You Can Go To YouTube? (Nice Try PWInsider)

PWInsider in their post about Tom Lawlor's media call today says you can go 'stream it here", go 'download it there'.. OBVIOUSLY this media call isn't as 'exclusive' to their VIP Membership site as they want to claim..

Want proof? Sure thing, since proof is, a mother fucker and I'm always the mother fucker who provides proof. here you go.

See? You DON'T, have to be a paid member of PWInsider to get stuff like this, especially when stuff like THIS, is readily available for free elsewhere, like right here. Here's the link where you can hear it.

Leave it to me to give you the easiest choice, and show you that you don't have to be a dumb ass and pay to subscribe to something just so you can hear something that's available for free elsewhere.

You can go ahead and thank me, again. :)

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