Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mike Johnson At PWInsider Again Avoids The Truth (Because That Would Mean He'd Have To Credit MY Story)

Mike Johnson over at PWInsider was asked about the WWE Yanking off the "Hidden Gems" That I exposed were already on YouTube.. . "The War To Settle The Score" And "The Brawl To End it All".

Here's where he was asked today about it,m and his lame answer, Which shows he's avoiding giving credit to the story I WROTE about this very thing that he HAS SEEN..

I covered "Hidden Gem"s so hidden they're on YouTube many times and in this case, here's the links to them stories right here. Starting with this..

The first one went very viral as many readers of this blog took the link and posted it all over twitter.. Dace Scherer AND, Mike Johnson both saw it.. WWE even saw it which lead to THIS story coming out from me, that I covered..

This too went all over the place including to Scherer, Meltzer, Johnson and others..

I know Johnson saw the stories because I have the email exchange between someone who showed Johnson these and Johnson himself.. As soon as the person who showed Johnson the link gives me permission to post the said emails, I'll post them.

Maybe Johnson should actually acknowledge the the real story on why they were yanked, instead of 'playing guessing games'.

Now you can say "Why don't YOU tell Mike Johnson yourself"? I'd love to but because I've had a long habit or pattern of correcting him on various things, because I know more than he does.. THIS, is what he does, when you put him in his place.. or.. Put him in check.

This is also the same Mike Johnson that had to apologize to Konnan over something he said. That story is here..

So there you have it. he won't get honest with his fans on why the Hidden gems that are on YouTube (STILL, to this very moment mind you) were yanked off WWE's Network and preferred to try and 'work' the very fans that go to him for info. Least you get it straight here. :)

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