Thursday, September 12, 2019

All Japan Pro Wrestling Posts Videos That Have No Sound To Them- Who The FUCK, Does That Shit?

In a story you won't find Dave Meltzer, Dave Scherer, Mike Johnson, Wade Keller, WrestlingInc or anyone else doing.. All Japan Pro Wrestling yesterday posted not one, but TWO videos that had no sound to it.. They even Admitted they had no sound.. Since proof is, as always, a mother fucker and I'm the mother fucker who always supplies proof when it comes to stuff like this.. Here you go, proof indeed.

There you go, proof that they admit they're airing videos that have no sound to them..

It's not like these were matches from 8mm film footage mind you, it was from THEIR MOST RECENT SHOW!!!

Here's the obvious questions that All Japan Pro Wrestling obviously, didn't think about when they thought THIS was a 'brilliant' idea and posted these..

Who the hell wants to see a video that has no sound to it? Anybody? Anybody? Raise your hands.. of course none are going to be raised because no idiot is going to WANT to watch what basically is, a fucking silent movie..

Who's the dumb ass who actually thought, this was a 'great idea'? Please stand up and explain the logic behind this.. I'd sure would LOVE to here what the mentality was in this dipshit idea.

You didn't actually stream this on your streaming service, did you? Where people actually PAID, to watch a silent movie?

Nope, you sure can't make this dumb shit up, you sure can't, LOL!

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