Wednesday, February 13, 2019

MMM, MMMM, MMM, Once Again WWE'S "Hidden Gems" Are right on YouTube (LOL)

Well it's that time again.. When I get to expose the fact that WWE's alleged (yeah right), so called (yeah sssuurree they are) “Hidden Gems” being added to their network are so 'hidden' that they've been already available on YouTube. Since proof IS, a mother fucker and I'm a mother fucker who always has proof? Here we go.

Here's the announcement about it thanks to Meltzer's webpage.

And here's what happens when I look for the Valentine/Thesz match. 

lookie lookie... Here's not one but TWO match clips from that same place and year, right on? You guessed it. YouTube. BOOM.

SOME DAY (not anytime soon, that's for sure) WWE will introduce themselves to a little thing called 'research', that way they won't always look this stupid thanks to someone like me, who makes it real easy for them, TO look stupid. :)

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