Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Once Again Wrestlinginc Uses my Story But Gives me No Credit (Proof is provided)

Wrestlinginc as you can see covered the fact that PWInsider 'claimed' they 'exclusively' confirmed Edge for the 1000th episode of Smackdown and Edge's reaction to it. BBUUTT, WHO.. Was the one that broke this story first? Oh yes, that would be me and here's the link to prove it. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2018/09/ggrreeaatt-reporting-there-pwinsider.html

I do know for a fact that the link to this story was sent to Werestlinginc and a few other places via at least one person on Twitter (doing me a favor) So they had the link to my story on it. THEY, at Wrestlinginc again, decided to neglect giving me proper credit for it. So when i staert using their stuff, they now have no right to whine and cry because they shadfted me knowing they had the link to my story? Fuck em. Least we know how they operate there at Wrestling inc, don't we.

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