Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I Told people My Cody Rhodes Story Got 'Someone's " Attention.. Here's The proof.

Here's the link to the story I did yesterday about Bring twenty bucks and use your own camera to get a pic with Cody. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2018/09/bring-your-own-camera-and-pay-20-bucks.html Someoen who reads this blog took it to Twitter as I've said many times I don't want a Twitter account. It's enough to catch up on things on FB that having a Twitter would be too much. If someone takes a post on here and posts it there on Twitter, Instagram or whatever, there's nothing I can do about it. But because someone did do that, look who has their attention on this story. Good bad or ugly in the end it I guess helps get the world out on this blog but i do have to say, having THIS GUY'S attention sure has made things interesting.

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