Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hey Meltzer Did You Forget The Link Again? That's Okay We'll Furnish It Since You Wouldn't


Did Meltzer forget to add a link, or was he just too lazy to actually go get it? God knows between making up fake stories, arguing with Bryan Alvarez and being condescending to people on Twitter, it gets too be 'too busy of a day' for him to actually take thirty seconds to actually find a link to something he reported.

But you can once again, count on us here at WP&P to provide the link (hell we ALREADY provided it when we covered the story, BEFORE Meltzer did) Meltzer didn't feel the need to provide.

Here's the screen grab from above to where the laziness of Meltzer had again reared its ugly head.

And here's what Meltzer decided to not provide a link for.

Since ol Uncle Dave didn't feel it was necessary to actually find a link for those viewers who may have been interested in seeing Sandman on the latest Memphis Wrestling show? As usual, we'll do what Meltzer has again shown, he's just too lazy to do. Here's the link.

Oh and by the way Meltzer? WWEEE here at WP&P covered this, YESTERDAY. Nice of you to finally wake up from your slumber and catch up. Here's the proof, we covered this yesterday at 9:15 pm last night.

Score another one, for the reliable guys here at, WP&P.

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