Sunday, August 25, 2024

Jim Cornette on PWInsider's Dave Scherer & His Crazed Behavior (Plus Some Things On Scherer We Here At WP&P Have Written About)

Update 8-29-2024 3:45 pm

Scroll all the way down and see the comments that have been cut pasted, which go and cement and validate the fact that Scherer's idea of giving Cornette my name, did nothing but show that Dave Scherer is indeed, a moron.

"Keep up the good work  Dave" (gives sarcastic "thumbs up").

Update 8-25-2024 6:00 pm

Someone tell Scherer I said thanks for mentioning my name to last and Cornette, they name dropped me on this video. at the 14 minute mark on the video Cornette tries to pronounce my name. So cool, thanks, appreciated that even though i didn't see that one coming. 

If it was meant to be an insult guess what Scherer.. You failed. But hey, keep trying, Glad I can occupy so much space in your head and don't have to pay rent for that space, dumbass.

Here's some things on Dave Scherer that WP&P has written about as we've gone back and forth and in the end he never looks good. He actually makes PWInsider look bad and he shouldn't even try, and represent PWInsider in any way shape, or form.

Dave Scherer has had some memorable "DUH, I'm a moron" moments, like tis.

He's been bashing Meltzer on and on for months, but yet.. he seems to forget when he said, THIS.

HHMM, isn't doing it behind a paywall the same as hiding behind a message board? You're still 'behind' something, Dumbass. so the fact Scherer hides behind his paywall shows he's just a big a pussy as he alleges Meltzer to be. 

I'm surprised Scherer was going on Twitter/X trying to argue with Brian Last, because this is usually what happens when Scherer tries that, and gets owned on Twitter/X. He tried to reference me and when someone else clearly 'checked' him? This is what happened.

People who live in glass houses Scherer, people who live in glass houses. The story behind the above screen shots is right here.

Here's when Scherer got 'checked' again, and guess what, same result, runs and hides behind a block.

I love how every time someone 'checks' his ass he keeps saying it's me. Poor Scherer. The story on those screen grabs is here.

Of course we won't forget how Scherer got caught snitching on somebody. Yes, Dave Scherer is a snitch and if you put him in his place he will snitch on you and report you. Because that's what thin skinned fragile ego guys who can't handle getting their ass handed to them do.  is where you can see the story behind Dave Scherer getting busted for snitching.

Scherer really shouldn't be trying to be a "Twitter Tough guy" because he really isn't. I have more stories on Scherer I can easily post but these give the general idea of what Scherer's true colors are.

This below is probably my favorite Dave Scherer quote, describes himself to a tee. 

Nice to see that Scherer is still, going through life as a moron. (smiles)


Check out the following comments that were left on this story (smiles).


Jack Reynolds said...

Thanks for using my email in your piece. Great stuff from Last and Cornette, and then you add your stuff like a cherry on top. I have other emails from Scherer where he claims I'm you so I'll pass them along so you can have fun with them. Having Cornette mention your name must've been a nice pop. How nice of Dave Scherer to think so highly of you that you get mentioned on Cornette's podcast. It doesn't get much better than that.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Yes go ahead and send them, I'm real interested in seeing what ramblings he's done. I can go into our search mode and pick even more stuff on Scherer (and PWInsider) that I could use again since Scherer's own actions against Last and Cornette make the older stuff we did on him relevant again.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Whatever Dave Scherer says about me doesn't matter and more importantly, doesn't carry any weight. The fact my name was mentioned, and not buried, on Cornette's podcast says it all about how unimportant Dave Scherer's alleged reputation really is.

Sandra McCormick said...

Scherer sends your name to Cornette in hopes Cornette 'buries' you. Cornette doesn't do it, talk about an epic fail for Scherer. Did Dave Scherer really think Cornette was going to do him a favor and 'bury' you on his podcast? That pic you posted where Scherer says going through life as a moron could be a good thing is the best description of himself ever. That's classic and he can't deny he ever said that either. He says going through life as a morn could be a good thing. Maybe for him it is or that's the only thing he has in life. To be a moron, well being a moron is obviously something Scherer is really good at.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Scherer was never known to be one of the sharpest knives in the drawer, I heard he posted the email from Cornette, but boy how he avoids the stuff we posted about him (smiles). Which comes as no surprise because what we posted about him? he can't spin his way out of, and he knows it. He'll always get 'checked' by us here at WP&P because it's just, to easy, to do.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

What's even funnier, is that Cornette and I have met. We met for the first time and an LIWA show in Randolph, Massachusetts. He was a subscriber to a monthly newsletter I was writing for (Wrestling Then And Now put out by Evan Ginzburg). We also saw each other at WWA New England shows in 1998 as he was appearing with the WWF Training Dojo they had at the time that was headlining those shows (run by Dory Funk jr., Bruce and Tom Prichard). I at that time was working behind the scenes for the WWA as local promoter in NH, setting the ring up, chairs, etc. Before that he had actually called from Tennessee to New Hampshire (where i lived) as I had wrote him (snail mail) about RF Video's claim to be the 'official distributer of Smokey Mountain Wrestling" tapes.

So it is fucking hysterical to think that Dave Scherer 'really really thought' by giving Cornette my name that Cornette was gonna bury me. Dave Scherer, no the sharpest knife in the drawer, or the brightest bulb in the chandelier came out looking truly stupid trying that idea. (smiles).

Anonymous said...

Scherer gives Corny your name, Corny doesn't bury it, and now we see that you and Corny have met when you worked in wrestling. If that doesn't make Dave Scherer bonehead of the month. You're right when you said he's not the brightest bulb, nailed it 100%.

Anonymous said...

If anything, Corny just gave you even more credibility. You should thank Scherer for unknowingly doing that favor for you.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Thanks Scherer, fucking dumb ass, LMAO!