Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Dave Scherer (PWInsider) Gets Caught Snitching, Again


Bill Walkowitz

Much like Mike Johnson can't stop trying to scam his paid elite members, Dave Scherer apparently can't stop snitching. This shouldn't come as much of a surprise since it's been well known among many people that Dave Scherer, owner of PWInsider is a well know snitch. The person he snitched on this time? Was the very person whose email conversations with Scherer contributed to the update of PWInsider getting reported to the Better Business Bureau that I did four days ago (https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/11/pwinsider-better-business-bureau-update.html).

Before all you Scherer 'marks' get in an uproar and try claiming this is a fake story, I'll let the screen shots shut them claims right down. These were furnished to me by the very guy who Scherer snitched on, and as you'll see, he gave me permission to use them.

When all else fails, just snitch when you're a wuss, eh? The least Dave Scherer COULD'VE done, was try and nit make it so obvious that it was him who snitched. But, Scherer has proven time again, he's just not that smart. He sadly, has proven that fact again here.

Mr. Rizzo said it all but instead of Scherer truly being a respected 'business owner' and address his main 'journalist's' scamming scheme, just snitch on people who call him out on being too scared to publicly comment on a story that many poeople already know about. Gee, how "Tony Khan" is that behavior? Scherer whined and complained on Twitter about Khan not commenting about the backstage brawl or CM Punk media scrum but yet here's Scherer being just like Tony Khan. Only worse because he has to go and snitch so that way he can pound his chest and claim he's an internet tough guy (yawns).

That irony, isn't escaping anyone.

But, as the title of this article states, this isn't the first time Scherer was caught snitching on someone and got called out on it. There's this story from September 3rd. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/09/this-is-how-pwinsider-responds-to-being.html 

Click the link and scroll down, and you'll see this.. Another person who called out Scherer for snitching on him.. Funny how proof IS, a mother fucker, and I'm always a mother fucker who always has the proof (smiles). 

All the snitching and calling people ex-cons in the world isn't going to make those complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau go away, Daveyboy. So why don't you try a different, more professional tactic instead of this current one where you look like a ten year old cry baby. 

I'm asking too much because, as it's been established by Scherer's own words, he thinks going thru life as a moron ia good thing.

The one thing he's done here, is show again that he is indeed, a moron. 

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