Thursday, June 6, 2024

Another One In The Wrestling Business Who Thought They Could Post A Tweet And Then Quickly Delete It.


Yeah, nice try Kamille.

The former NWA Womens World Champion posted this tweet, then tried to quickly delete it really quick.

Not fast enough. 

Just like Jon Roy, the now former and fired Executive Producer for Beyond Wrestling tried to do and failed with flying colors, ( ) we now have Kamille who tried the same thing, and got the same results, just, not, fast enough. (smiles)

If you have the guts to make the tweet, why not have the guts to stand by it? If you know you're gonna turn chickenshit five minutes after you post it, then why do it in the first place? DUH! Hell it's an honest statement, stand by it. It's not your fault Tony Khan signed you and the billionaire efedding booker who has no real experience booking an actual wrestling company, has no clue what to do with you. That's his fucking fault, so call him out for signing you and not using you. Stand by that shit, don't delete that shit like a chickenshit.

It does post the obvious question to Tony Khan though.

Why the fuck did you even sign her if you're not even going to use her, dumb ass?

I'm sure Tony will find a way to sidestep the question, like he does with most questions that make him look bad.

1 comment:

James Fitzpatrick said...

Damn Bro, you killin it with these stories, twice you got people in the business who were caught trying to delete posts.

Nice job, keep up the good work, you know most of the other sites won't report these.