Monday, June 24, 2024

A Message From The Wyatts | WWE Raw Highlights 6/24/24


God was this just, fucking awful, it gave me a headache watching it. Thankfully for now on when these segments come up, I'll be changing the channel.


Bryan Knight said...

I laughed so loud seeing that Mike Johnson over at PWInsider posted this same thing an hour after you did. You guys just keep beating all the others when it comes to getting highlights up first. Mike Johnson is again playing the catch up game because of you. Great job.

Josh Stevens said...

How can you say this was garbage> This was fantastic, some of the best stuff WWE has ever done. You a hater.

Josh Stevens said...

How can you say this was garbage> This was the best stuff WWE has done in a lone time. You a hater.

Jason McCormick said...

I see where you're coming from because many of us know what you like when it comes to pro wrestling. It is your opinion but you're gonna get a lot of flack for saying this was garbage so be prepared. For the record it wasn't great but I like the concept.

Anonymous said...


Wrestling Past And Present said...

Don't hold back now, tell me how you really feel.

I said what I said. I stand by what I said too.

Roger Ewing said...

Stand by it all you want you're standing alone. This was great! You're just jaded because you've never been in the wrestling business. You think there's better than this? Show me, tell me. I want to hear what you think is better than this. This is storyline of the year stuff, you'll see.