Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sabu No Shows His own Hall Of Fame Induction (But Kept The Money He Was Paid To Make The Appearance)


What a bitch ass, that's right, I said it.

When the 2024 Indie Wrestling Hall of Fame ceremony took place on Sunday afternoon, one of the scheduled inductees did not appear.

Sabu was supposed to be inducted into the Indie Wrestling Hall of Fame as part of its 2024 class, but he wasn't at the ceremony.

Game Changer Wrestling promoter Brett Lauderdale tweeted that Sabu no-showed the Hall of Fame despite being downstairs in the hotel where the event was taking place. As you see the tweet is above.

Sabu was present at WrestleCon while the induction ceremony was taking place. Both events were held at the Sheraton hotel in downtown Philadelphia.

If you knew your punk ass was gonna no show, why'd you even take the booking, the nomination, etc in the first place? Dipshit.

I bet if it was the WWE Hall Of fame, he wouldn't have skipped out and ran to Wrestlecon. 

You didn't know or realize you were double booked? Or.. maybe you did and thought 'double dipping" wouldn't get you caught.

Guess what dumb ass. You got caught, and busted out, right in public.

How much you wanna bet Sabu doesn't give Brett his money back? Any takers? Yeah I didn't think so cause we all know Sabu won't give the money back.


James Baker said...

I thought the comments on the Roman Reigns story was a bit far fetched, that someone from PWInsider came to this site to get something for their site? It wasn't as far fetched as I thought because seven minutes after you put this story up, seven minutes, Mike Johnson did the same story and used THE SAME TWEET you used. Talk about blatantly stealing from you, Mike Johnson stole it from you seven minutes ago.

Jamie Hernandez said...

My God I saw that too. I went from here to PWInsider and it's actually six minutes after this site posted the story that Mike Johnson 'reported' it. It took him six minutes after seeing it here to go and 'report' it over there.

Nothing for nothing Mike had to 'report' it because his ego couldn't let a more little site than PWInsider beat him to a story. Even though this site beats PWInsider and others to stories every week.

Christine Sedora said...

You know I saw last year where this site wrote about Paul Jordan stealing articles from here. Jordan never denied it and neither did anyone else at PWInsider. I'm not so sure Mike Johnson actually came here, but the timing of when he put the story up, right after WP&P here did it, does seem pretty fishy to me. What most likely happened is someone saw it here, quickly got it to Johnson who as fast as humanly possible got it on his site so it would like an exclusive for his site. The time stamps showed they did it after, WP&P did it, so no matter what else is said, WP&P got the story first and PWInsider played catch up. Nothing else can be disputed.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

What can I say, there's nothing I can really add to this. However it may be, the fact they did it 'really quick' after we did it does look sketchy. Is it just some sort of wild 'coincidence' that they just 'happened' to post it a few minutes after we did? It's very doubtful but since this the second time this has happened this weekend, all I can really do is sit back, and smile. However Johnson got it, it came from here first so I'll just keep smiling knowing that someone is feeding them, stuff we do.

Sonny Richardson said...

I want to let you know, Mike Johnson wasn't allowed in for the WM press conference last night. Brandon Thurston was allowed in by Mike Johnson was denied entry. You can have fun with that however you want but Mr. well respected journalist (according to him and marks) was denied entry into the WrestleMania press conference.

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing at the fact that Mike Johnson, a guy who's supposed to be regarded as one of the top wrestling journalists, got reduced to being nothing more than a sleazy nothing happen dirt sheet writer and was kept out of the biggest press conference ever. He got shut doing and kept out. That is so funny. I bet he's crying behind his protected X account about it. "Sure come on in Mr. Thurston, you're always welcome. um sorry Mr. Johnson your name isn't on the list."

Wrestling Past And Present said...

So much I could say about him not getting in. I did see elsewhere that it was true, he was denied access. I wonder if they'll deny him tonight. if he's smart, knowing they said no, go away to him last night that he might not want to try again tonight. But I've seen where Mike hasn't been all that smart. This just tops off what has been a very interesting week of interesting little tidbits concerning him and his site. I'll just plugging away on this site doing what we do best which is why you all come here and comment here.