Thursday, March 21, 2024

Dutch Mantell FINALLY DOES Comment On The Story That he Lied On His Podcast (And Basically Contradicts Himself)


Update - 3/26/24

Apparently now that Dutch has seen this rebuttal to his attempt at spinning out of the fact he lied (meaning he lied, again), he's suddenly has nothing to say on this topic. 

When the facts come out, certain people start playing the avoiding game, real quick. Makes you go, HHHMMM.

Nice try Dutch, but what you said in this current video(screenshot above) contradicts what you originally said about refusing the be NWA Mid-America champion, and thankfully facts are on my side to prove what you said in this current video is again, a lie.

Here's where you can see he and James Romero (who hosts the podcast) talking about my original story ( ) on where Dutch was caught lying)

I love how Dutch claims "some guy who write fir some bullshit wrestling thing", and then James says It's a blog that NOBODY reads. WELL James, time to prove you wrong. 

Here's a screen grab of the number of viewers THIS SITE has had over just, the last few hours. 

People love to claim that 'nobody' reads or comes to this site but yet, there it is. Tat's a whole lot of 'nobody' eh James? 

Yeah James, "NOBODY" reads this site, NNOBBOODDYY at all, good try though, Top notch assumption there (gives sarcastic 'thumbs up'), five stars all the way for you (smiles).

What's even funnier is that Dutch and James didn't even have the guts to mention who was the one who caught Dutch lying, why the case of lack of guts for, huh? If you ad the time to attempt to comment on the story you could've had the guts to come out and say WHO, caught you lying. 

So let's lay the facts out and show how facts remain in my favor over Dutch trying to bullshit his way out of getting caught. 

In this latest video he says "I had this title, the Mid-America title" but yet, in the original video where I caught you lying, you openly you didn't want it. A direct quote from that is about if Lawler didn't want it nobody else wanted it". 

HHMMM Obviously Lawler wanted that title because LOOKIE LOOKIE, Lawler actually held the Mid-America title as well. 

Damn, here again Dutch's lying doesn't add up. Dutch obviously doesn't grasp the fact he can be fact checked easily and thinks lame unbelievable excuses will cover his lying. Obviously, they don't.

Let's also look at the guys who held that title, according to the Dutch Mantell mentality nobody not many people would come to see a talent who held that title.

So, you're gonna tell me that not many people would've paid to see Harley Race defend that title? He held it. Jesse Barr as Jimmy Jack Funk? Or even Jeff Jarrett who was a big draw in that territory? Or the Great Kabuki even? 

Yeah Dutch, nice try but just because YOUR NAME, wasn't as big as the others I mentioned doesn't mean people wouldn't have paid to see them.

Then there's his 'other theory of running a second spot show with that title, as you see my the screen grabs of the history of this title, over ninety percent of these shows where the Mid-America title was defended was, WHERE? OOHHH Memphis Tennessee, HHHHMMMM.

And let's not forget basic booking 101, If a guy held the Mid-America title then guess what, he was a top contender for the Southern title (which was considered the biggest title in the Memphis area). So you being Mid-America champion got you a shot at the Southern title. And guess who proved that fact better than anyone else?

Dutch Mantell, LMAO!

Dutch defeated Steve Keirn to become Mid-America champion on September 24th, then AS Mid-American champion he got a shot at and defeated The Dream Machine to become Southern champion. 

But remember, according to Dutch, her REFUSED to hold that title, LMAO!

One other minor note here since Dutch just wings things out willy nilly, He said Continental Wrestling had only one singles title? WWELL Dutch's memory must be shot because they had TWO Singles titles. The Continental title AND, the Southeastern championship, that Dutch HELD, defeating Adrian Street for it on April 13th, 1987. 

You were IN Continental, held one of the TWO single titles they had there and try to say they only and one title?

Dutch, do us all a favor, and stop lying, okay? You're better off because lord knows how easy it's been to fact check on your lies. This was way too easy, so just stop lying, is that too much to ask?


Philip Ewing said...

Ouch, this burns really bad. Not only did you prove Dutch lied once, but several times. I can feel how bad this burns and I'm not Dutch. But Dutch did bring this on himself. Liars always get caught eventually.

James Baker said...

James Romero talked out the side of his mouth and got slapped for it. James said nobody comes to this site and the owner of the sites provides proof James was wrong. Time for a retraction James.

Anonymous said...

It can't be much of a bullshit wrestling thing Dutch if it got your attention. Let that sink in.

Nick Adams said...

Wrestling Past And Present - 2

Dutch Mantell - 0

If this was a 2 out of 3 falls match Mantell would've beaten and buried twice in a row.

Take and admit the loss Dutch, it's obvious you got verbally buried again.

Anonymous said...

This is worse than when Dutch was jobbed out to Harley Race. The ironic thing is this guy, James Romero had the gall to say that the owner of WP&P is a mark. What are you James? You're a mark doing podcasts, same thing. People who live in glass houses James.

Wrestling Mark said...

Oh shit! You took on the Dirty Dutchman and beat him! He's gone from Dirty Dutchman to Lying Dutchman. This was a massacre.

Dennis McCormick said...

The dates might be a little off but yeah, he got you Dutch. Wave your white flag and give it up. You couldn't be upfront and admit you lied and tried to cover your tracks with a different lie. We're all seeing how well that worked out for you.

James Dawson said...

So Dutch never did comment back about this? He basically gave up because he knew you flattened him and made him job out with this article?