Tuesday, October 3, 2023

( Updated 10-6-23 11:30 pm) Whoever Is Uploading The Arn Show's Clips Needs To Pay Better Attention


LOL @ the fact it took them, THREE DAYS to finally get around to fixing this fuck up, three days (shakes head). Yes, they are 'real slow" over there, 'slow' in more than one way. I love the fact they're in a hurry to post their fuck up, but yet take their ol sweet time when it comes to fixing their fuck up. 

Okay Paul Bromwell, Tell me what's wrong with this picture? "Arn" on realizing his dad was a part of the Four Horsemen?


Whoever uploaded this must've been sleeping on the job again. As we know there's been a LONG pattern of these kinds of fuck ups.

"Arn on realizing his dad was part of the Four Horsemen", ROFLMAO!

Good Job Paul, good job "five stars all the way" (sarcastic 'thumbs up')

You can see that here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dJj2HXqt9g

This isn't isn't the first time this has happened. Look here. https://wrestlingpastandpresent.blogspot.com/2023/07/someone-again-needs-to-learn-how-to.html

Here's the correction, FINALLY.


Stephen Rizzo said...

How did they not see that mistake? And why do they keep making them mistakes? I bet they'll just bitch because you saw this and made a story out of it.

Anonymous said...

Four hours after you posted this they still haven't even tried to fix it. You'd think they'd want to quickly correct this instead of looking like dipshits, you would think.

Anonymous said...

Three days later and Paul Bromwell still hasn't tried to correct this. He really is a fuck up and if it takes you more than three days to realize you screwed up, then you're a fucking idiot.