Monday, October 9, 2023

Sportskeeda Gets Busted And Outted For Running Fake Story


Credit to The "From The Left Side" FB page for posting this.

MMM MMMM MMMMMMM, shame shame that Sportskeeda Wrestling actually thought they could get away with running a fake news story. They now join Meltzer, and PWInsider as people you can't really trust because their credibility has been questioned. 

Thankfully WP&P doesn't have to reduce themselves to trying this kind of bullshit. What's posted here on WP&P is based on actual facts, not fake shit like this here. 

Maybe Sportskeeda Wrestling should try and post some actual true stories, not fake crap like this, hell of a concept but I doubt they learned anything from this obvious fuck up. 

1 comment:

Jack Reynolds said...

This is one of the reasons why I love this site. You call out other dirt sheet sites when nobody else in the dirt sheet world will. I wish Sportskeeda would explain why they ran a fake story but you know they won't. None of the dirt sheet sites do when they get caught.