Friday, February 10, 2023

Update (Of Sorts) On The Ian Carey Story I Did


Bill Walkowitz

This email came in a few hours ago and I figured this would be a useful way to Segway into an update on the story I did back on the 6th about WON/F4W staff writer Ian Carey caught stealing a story from PWInsider's Elite Membership site.

I crossed out the name of the person who sent this, he, works for one of the more well known indy groups in this country, (DEFY, Prestige, AAW, Freelance, something on that level) and he requested that if I use this email I cross out his name, so I have.

The only thought I have is, nobody gives a fuck. The "marks" don't care, other wrestling news site writers and owners don't care, and  Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez don't care. They evidently don't care how their staff writers get stories, even if they go onto another site's paid membership section and steal it, just as long as THEIR site has the story too. That's pretty much the message Meltzer and Alvarez, who own the WON/F4W site is sending. I know for a fact that not one, but TWO people emailed and messaged Meltzer for a comment on the story I did, and Meltzer has ignored those requests. 

So his silence could be translated into, it's okay for Ian to keep getting stories that way so that way the site he own s gets clicks and views. 

The other message this sends seems to be, if you have a subscriber page where people 'pay' for a subscription? You better get used to guys like Ian Carey coming in there and taking any story he wants, and post it as HIS exclusive on the site he writes for.  

Ian Carey was called out on Twitter about this as well. I may, in the next couple days go ahead and post the screen shots I've received of him getting called out for stealing PWInsider's story that was posted in their Elite Section ONLY. He hasn't even tried to deny it, or even say my story wasn't true. He can't say it was a false story because the evidence is so obvious that a blind man can see Ian was busted red handed. Ian has chosen the Meltzer route and just stay silent on it instead of growing a set and manning up to what he did. Instead he chooses to be silent, OOORRR.. Does this.

Where I come from, we call hiding behind a block, a 'bitch' move. So instead of owning up to the obvious he acts like a bitch and hides behind a block. 

People have called me an asshole for my constant stories on Mike Johnson scamming people, well it may be true that I AM, an asshole, Mike and it feels very strange me defending him, Mike doesn't need to go to other site's subscription sections to rip off stories the way Ian Carey apparently does. So while I may be the asshole who indirectly got PWInsider reported to the Better Business Bureau, I'm also the same asshole that had the balls to step up and bust out someone who blatantly stole from Mike & Dave Scherer's site. 

The sad part is? Nobody cares, but if it was their site a guy like Ian stole from? You'd bet your ass they'd fucking care then. Then they'd start bitching and crying but they won't step up and do stories like this because they themselves get THEIR stories from places like PWInsider, Observer and WrestlingInc. It's the ONLY WAY, THEY, can feel like they, have a relevant site. Something we here at WP&P don't have to do, and prove that? Every single day. 

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