Monday, January 23, 2023

MLW Fusion Episode 163


Bill Walkowitz

•Jacob Fatu vs. Ben-K 

•Alex Price vs TJ Crawford

•Trish Adora vs Gia Scott

DRAGON GATE’s Ben-K dives deep into the shark infested waters of the MLW heavyweight division as he makes his debut against 2022 Battle Riot winner Jacob Fatu!

Can the former Open The Freedom Gate champion slay the Samoan Werewolf and put the eyes of the sport on him, or will Fatu bulldoze through one of Japan’s top grapplers on he zones in on Hammerstone’s World Heavyweight title? Tune in and find out!

Plus, the wait is finally over! Alicia Atout drops the details and date for Hammerstone vs EJ Nduka: Last Man Standing for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Top Middleweight prospects put it all on the line as Alec Price takes to the skies against TJ Crawford!

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