Friday, September 9, 2022

PWInsider Gets Called Out By Konnan And They Get "Checked"

Dave Scherer, Mr."PWInsider is run like a business" has always been a popular topic here at WP&P because of his knack for coming off like a moron, And now because of what you see above? I and others can indeed thank him for validating this known fact. 

I mean any REAL business owner wouldn't be posting this on Twitter, or anywhere else. BUT, Dave Scherer 'thinks' he's a business man nut yet nobody will ever be running tp get business lessons from him, that's for sure. Be that as it may, This is the same Dave Scherer who won't let you reply to anything he tweets unless HE confirms YOU to be a follower. And Mike Johnson? His tweets are "Protected" so he hides behind that like a wuss. That's how much of a 'tough guy' these two are, they are your basic blueprint for keyboard warrior 101. They 'wannabe' tough guys when they're online but in real life they're just bitches, only a bitch and a wimp has to hide like that so they can shoot their mouth off thinking, nobody's gonna fire back.

And as you'll see Konnan did fire back, and he even acknowledged the story I posted back in 2018 where Johnson was forced to apologize to him (which you can see here )

Needless to say Konnan truly buried those two and maybe instead of Scherer trying to be Internet Rambo, he should be a true business man and stop having Mike Johnson and Paul Jordan steal story ideas from us, stop having Mike Johnson scam their 'elite' subscribers with 'Exclusive' stuff that's so exclusive that's it can bee seen on YouTube for free. 

Instead, we get Scherer coming up with dumb things like this.

Scherer really is the last person to try and decide whether a person is bright or not, ESPECIALLY, when he was dumb enough to post this gem.

Scherer claiming that going thru life as a moron could be a good thing? Is obviously a philosophy he's determined to stick to (smiles).

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