Sunday, August 14, 2022

WrestlingInc Reports On Something WP&P Covered, EIGHT days Ago


By Donnie Henderson

After I wrote the last two stories that covered this same kind of topic, and I sent a link to WrestlingInc, PWInsider, Observer and Torch to let them know that if they keep doing this kind of crap, they'll be contributing to a new ongoing segment that'll be featured here at WP&P. It looks like Raj Giri at WrestlingInc failed to put out a memo about this, so thanks to him bein g lazy and negligent, this on going segment continues at WrestlingInc's expense.

Today a Journalistic Genius at WrestlingInc posted this story.

But look who had this covered when it first came out, eight days ago. That's right, EIGHT days ago.

So you mean tell me it took this "Journalist" eight days to find this story? Or was it he couldn't find anything original so he just had to cover something we here at Wrestling Past And Present covered, eight days ago? Tyler Miller could've come up with something better than a story we covered eight days ago. Then maybe, he isn't smart enough to know how to do that but in the future he should check to see if other sites covered a story he wants to do. Common sense Tyler, try it sometime, it'll help you in the future. 

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