Friday, July 15, 2022

Someone At WrestlingInc Got "Checked"

 By Gino Bradley

Someone over at WrestlingInc got "treated", and it wasn't by any of us here at WP&P, LOL. Usually it's our head writer Bill Walkowitz that's putting them in their place on something but not this time, it was AEW owner Tony Khan go gave a slap down to a 'journalist' at WrestlingInc. 

Here's a pic of the story that started it all, followed by That writer at WrestlingInc getting 'treated' by Khan.

How embarrassing is that? To get cut down by the owner of a major wrestling company right on social media? This was a great example of someone trying to make something out of nothing and now made himself and the news site he writes for look like idiots. 

But Tony Khan wasn't the only one to chime in about WrestlingInc.

WrestlingInc is quite popular these days I see, but you know what else I also see? That not once has this site ever ben called out for something we posted here. Not once has someone said "That's BS" on something we posted or wrote. Between Donnie Henderson's piece on the owners of PWInsider ( ) and Bill Walkowitz's recent piece on PWInsider's little scheme of scamming elite members ( ) Isn't it good to know that WP&P doesn't have to stoop to these levels to get people to come to our site? 

We just keep doing what we've been doing and how we do it brings people here, that's why our success and legitimacy rate is 100%. We learn from stuff like this what not to do, and trust me when I say on behalf of all of us here at WP&P, because we don't do stuff like this? It' just makes us look even better. We'll sit back and watch the others make themselves look like morons. It's pretty obvious they have that mastered to a tee. 

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