Monday, May 23, 2022

PROGRESS Wrestling (UK): "There Once Was An Ugly Duckling" - Super Strong Style 16 2022 Preview (Cara Noir vs. Spike Trivet)


The psychological and physical torment dished out by both Cara Noir and Spike Trivet to one another will come to a dramatic and violent crescendo at Super Strong Style 2022 on Saturday June 4th. Both men will clash in the first ever I Quit match in PROGRESS Wrestling history, with the man to utter those two short words banished from the company. Will Cara Noir's first words in a PROGRESS Wrestling ring act as a herald of his banishment? Will Spike Trivet's bile laced verbiage over the past few weeks be capped off with a shorter, more powerful finale that will lead to the decimation of all that he has built in PROGRESS? To be there to see this most personal of battles peak within the confines of London's Electric Ballroom, get your tickets now from

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