Thursday, May 12, 2022

Bill Demott Gets "Checked", By Tammy Sytch


By Donnie Henderson

We here at WP&P haven't extensively reported about Tammy Sytch's recent arrest because it is, counterproductive to what we actually do here. And besides, everybody and their brother is reporting on it. Especially Mike Johnson at PWInsider who seems to be trying to milk every kind of angle they can on it. And Dave Scherer at PWInsider has been on his soap box seemingly pounding his bible and banging his rattle like a baby about it on his site, and Twitter every chance he gets. Which I guess is better than trying to scam and swerve their paid subscribers like they've been caught doing in the past ( Bill Walkowitz has been the one who exposed that fact with this story among others) .

So while the staff here at WP&P have kept our opinions on this situation to ourselves and don't feel the need to air them publicly (We'll leaver that to the ignorance of Scherer And Johnson since they seem to be experts at being ignorant), The fact that Bill Demott said anything on this, was amusing to see. Especially since he's one of the last people that should be voicing anything, this topic or any other topic for that matter.

So the fact that Tammy fired back, with the truth he was fired from his job at WWE for many allegations that can be easily found if someone does thirty seconds of research, was commendable. Demott got checked, owned, 'treated', slapped, smacked, pick your adjective because it fits in this case. At this point the only person that wants to hear what Bill Demott has to say, is Bill Demott.

Earlier this week, DeMott’s Keri Anne DeMott Foundation issued a press release calling for WWE to remove a “repeat DUI offender and now killer of an innocent man, Tamara Sunny Sytch from it’s Hall of Fame.” 

And here is where she fired back, putting Demott in his place where he belongs

Good for her for fighting back, whatever her troubles or demons are at least she's not gonna be taking shit by guys who think they can bully themselves into thinking their opinion matters, especially when THEY, shouldn't even be speaking to begin with. 

So no matter what we here at WP&P may think about her recent arrest, at least WE, are respectful enough to keep our opinions to ourselves so to speak. And no woman should be bullied or harassed, online or otherwise. Especially by a guy who's been well documented as, a bully. 

And since Jack Reynolds sent the following to us at I'll add it to this story.

So with all his other opinions about WP&P we'll have vile added to the list of compliments Scherer has about us because he had the balls to take her side. In this case it's the right thing to do. So he can go on his Twitter machine to bitch and moan about it all he wants. 

He calls Tammy vile but it's okay for him and Mike Johnson to try and screw over their paying elite members. To them that's okay. His logic really is what makes him look "special". I never want to be regarded as that 'special'.

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