Friday, May 6, 2022

Atlas Day 1 Highlights / PROGRESS Wrestling Chapter 132 Recap


Miss a second of the action from the Atlas Tournament? On April 17th 2022, PROGRESS Wrestling returned to The Dome in Tufnell Park for Chapter 132: By the Beard of Zeus! With eight wild matches, as well as EIGHT minutes of dueling chants for the main event, this was a night to remember. Catch up with the highlights before Chapter 132 airs on WWE Network, Peacock, and demandPROGRESS. Featuring: Warren Banks vs Axel Tischer Luke Jacobs vs Big Damo Laura DiMatteo vs Rhio The Royal Aces vs Mercedez Blaze & Taonga RSP vs Will Kroos vs Joe Hendry Kid Lykos vs Chris Ridgeway Skye Smitson vs Alexxis Falcon Sunshine Machine vs 0121 With Simon Miller hosting all of the action and the return of Los Federales Santos Jr, get your eyes on this. Available now to watch: For all tickets, merch, VOD, news and more, head to our new website for all your PROGRESS Wrestling needs:

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