Saturday, April 9, 2022

Memphis Wrestling: Episode #59 - TRIOs Main Event


Here's the card for today's program... SPECIAL CHALLENGE | DERRICK THE KING We start this week off with a special challenge from Derrick the King. DK has something to get off his chest! THE POSSE RETURN | NOT SO FAST Word has it that The Posse have a meeting scheduled this week with Dustin Starr. We will see footage from that meeting + an update on The Posse's contract status. MEKLALOCK CHALLENGE Is anyone strong enough - or skilled enough - to break the MEKLALOCK? We'll find out, once again, on Memphis Wrestling. TAG TEAM MATCH | HEATHER MONROE & ??? vs AMBER RODRIGUEZ & ??? Amber laid out the challenge last week. Amber said Heather is a terrible friend and partner... and now they find their own to square off in a tag team match! NEW WOMEN'S CHAMPION | SKYLER IS HERE! New Memphis Wrestling Women's Champion, Skyler, is back inside the WrestleCenter! We will hear from her for the first time since winning the gold! BEHIND THE SCENES WITH BOOKER T The fans of Memphis Wrestling loved Booker T. We'll take a look at some footage from the VIP Experience with Booker. MAIN EVENT | MEMPHIS TRIOS CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH ELEMENTS OF WRESTLING (c) vs THE SKIMAHORNS & UNCLE MIKEY Uncle Mikey and the Skims think they can "win the BIG ONE". Well, here's their chance. Can Uncle Mikey will the Skims to another Championship victory? PLUS | You never know what will happen on the fastest hour in pro wrestling!

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