Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Great Example Of What NOT To Do If You're An Indie Wrestling Company -Thanks To Zelo Pro (Updated 4-13-2022 @ 10:15 pm)

 If you're an independent wrestling company and you want people to watch your shows, matches, etc on YouTube, what would be the one thing you really shouldn't do?

You don't post a complete show that HAS NO AUDIO TO IT, that's what.

But that's exactly what Zelo Pro did. Here, take a look at the screen grab below.

Now who in their right mind would want to sit thru an almost three hour long silent movie? Let's see the hands, raise your hand if you're dumb enough to actually WANT to watch a wrestling show that has no audio? Come on, "raise those hands nice and proud."

Yeah, there won't be too many hands raised, because very few people are really that stupid.

What else don't you do if you're an indie wrestling company? You don't have a wrestler who works for the company actually TRY, and defend this fuck up. BUT, someone from Zelo Pro really did try and defend this and it's one of the weakest arguments I've ever seen.

See for yourself.

So according to ol "Big John" here (since it IS, his own words) Zelo Pro's Production team doesn't know how 'to press a button' to record audio but because they were 'SSOO HAPPY' just to be in Nebraska, they're gonna go and post an almost three hiour show that has no audio to it whatsoever.

THAT'S the defense one of Zelo Pro's wrestlers is gonna use, and stick to? if that isn't one of the, DDUUMMBBEESST arguments to stand on, I don't know what is.

Needless to say "Big John" didn't do Zelo Pro any favors trying to defend this. If anything it shows that whoever that company hires to do their production isn't too f'n smart, if they can't 'press a button' or at least, make sure the audio IS recording. How do you NOT check that? I myself taped/filmed shows for the late Sylvano Sousa, and WWA New England and checking audio was the second thing, I did. 

Guess simple common sense is lacking somewhere in Zelo Pro, eh?

If I was the owner of an indie company and had a three hour show that had no audio? the LAST thing I would want to do is post it on YouTube. Only an idiot would think that would be a 'great idea' and since it was posted, we see who the idiots are who thought that was, a 'great idea' (rolls eyes).

So if you want to known what not to do if you're an indie company? There was your great example courtesy of Zelo Pro. Make sure you thank them for providing that great example.

And if someone happens to know "Big John Crowley" make sure you tell him that the next time he thinks it's a good idea to stand up for a company because they did something this stupid? That he'd be better off keeping that idea to himself.

And in case "Big John" or anyone else tries to use that ol tried and true but always fails response of "Nobody goes to your site". Here's a screen shot of the amount of views that this site has had so far today.

I'll take that argument away from them, right now (smiles).

If you really want to endure yourself to a three hour silent movie, here's the link.


UPDATE! 4-13-2022 @ 10:15 pm

Apparently Zelo Pro didn't like the fact this story has come out. But instead of having a chat with Big John Crowley about what he said? THIS is how Zelo Pro responded to our story. (Thanks to Stephen Rogers and Jeff Kingsbury for sending this).

ROFLMAO! They couldn't take the truth and instead of talking to one of their 'workers' who made the company look bad, they instead ran and hid behind a block like bitches.

Yeah, that's always the 'great' solution, eh? Don't see the guy who made the company look bad, just block anyone who posts a link to this story, LMAO!

Gotta love how thin skinned some indie owners turn out to be when the truth comes out about something (smiles). 

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