Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The A**hole In The Room 3-22-2022


By Bill Walkowitz

That stupid dancing routine by Jeff Hardy you see above? For those who don't know, it was actually Matt Hardy who came with that 'brilliant idea'. And he even tries to rationalize and justify that "brilliant' (rolls eyes) idea too.

Here's his exact quote, thinking his 'great idea' was really a 'ggrreeaatt idea', LOL.

“Doing the juke on the run, I think that was a compromise,” Matt said. “I was like sure, I know I’m getting beat down, I just want all the guys to even stop. The music is going to be such a big moment, the people are going to be shocked, out of their minds.

“I want you to come out, do the juke, you’re a big star, do your thing, and get a full entrance. They stayed on top of me, they were still whooping my ass and he came to the ring. You saw the memes that had been out there and very entertaining and I love it. It wasn’t on him, if it was up to him he’d have just run straight in. This was on me, he’s a big star dammit, he’s going to get a big star entrance.”

Too bad what he got instead, was laughed at by millions of people.

But if course when they had their first match as a tag team together in AEW, Jeff just had to go and do it again. I guess he enjoys being made fun of and he can thank his brother Matt for becoming a joke.  of admitting it was a bad idea and scrapping it, oohhh no, let's just 'go and do it again'. let's force feed this dumb idea down peoples throats. "We're gonna MAKE YOU LIKE THIS BAD IDEA, PPPAAALLL". Must be the logic and mentality here.

Running straight to the ring WAS the right thing to do. Sad that it seems that Jeff is the smarter when it comes to booking angles than Matt.

The next time Matt has a stupid idea like that? He should just keep it to himself.


Then there's Tony Khan, who decided to proclaim that HE, is gonna be the one handling the booking of Ring of Honor's "Supershow Of Honor" that happens on April 1st.

It almost SOUNDS like a bad April fools joke, Tony Khan booking Ring of Honor.

I mean seriously, you want someone like this? Booking anything that has the name "Ring Of Honor" on it? 

Yes, that IS, a scary thought, to say the least.

This is the same guy who announced on Twitter that The Hardy's were gonna debut as a tag team, FIVE HOURS before the TV show aired. FIVE HOURS! What the fuck kind of 'grand booking idea' was that? And to make it worse? Does he book them against say, FTR? Nope, Young Bucks? NNAA (even though the Jackson's know they'd be outshined left and right, no matter how THEY, would've tried to book that match), NNNAAA don't do any of that, just debut them against the 'five star, top notch, team OF? Private Party.

(Sighs) The booking inexperience of Meltzers "booker of the year" becomes more and more evident by the week.

First you don't debut a team that big on free TV, you save it, milk it and build it towards a pay per view so that way you can make the maximum amount of money off that build up. THAT IS, basic booking 101 which is a course that Tony Khan for some reason, refuses to learn from.

Second, you don't debut them against a team who hasn't put any asses in seats, especially when you only give a FIVE HOUR BUILD UP for the match.

More blatant examples of why AEW is such a fucking headache to watch, and why Tony Khan booking Supercard Of Honor has that " no way, go away' feel to it.

And Third? I guess getting the guy who actually WAS booking ROH before their hiatus to book the show is a concept that's gone over Tony's head.


Special Thanks to Jack Reynolds and Jamie Nichols for sending in the following.

What happens when you send certain 'big time, well known' newsletter sites this link? https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/03/so-who-got-story-wrong-this-week-lmao.html that 'features" them getting the William Regal health issue story wrong? 

THIS, is what happens (smiles)

Jack and Jamie asked The Torch and especially Meltzer since HE, was the one who got it wrong, (and everyone else went with his word as gospel again and got it wrong right along side him) if they knew about that story. By their reactions you can take it they knew, OR... They, especially Meltzer since he NEVER admits when he gets a story wrong, knew they fucked up and instead of trying to admit they got it wrong? just block anyone who has the balls to call em out on the fact they got it wrong.

A very 'interesting' logic, block people who call em out on the fact they got it wrong instead of just owning up to the fact they got it wrong. Very amusing to say the least on how over sensitive THEY get, when THEY, get busted. 


And finally. and sadly, I have to play "Factcheck- The Sequel" because it's pretty obvious that a certain newsletter writer who was fact checked last week by me with this story  https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2022/03/the-ahole-in-room-3-15-22.html Needs have it done, this week.

Last week he posted a pic of me from 2010, claiming I 'now have joined Twitter' which I proven in last week's story was a lie. Here's this week's attempt at trying to redeem him self since he was 'checked' last week on all the things he made up (which since PWInsider HAS been busted for getting stories wrong, doesn't come as any surprise to me at all). 

You really going to go with this Dave? You gonna insist you really got something here? Here's what you got.

You got it, wrong, again. 

HERE'S your 'G Money' Dave, look at it and then ask yourself how silly you look right about now.


GGGGOOODDD CALL there "Hawkeye', you were sssooo 'right on the money' with that one (rolls eyes and laughs) G Money is Gail Matthews, who gave me permission as you can see to use the screen grabs she sent me. 

And LOOK, she even gave you my email addy, YET, you'd rather ASSume Gail was me than just email me or message me directly on Facebook. You spend this much energy and effort trying to make me look bad but look at how you look as a result. 

You might just wanna quit since you're making yourself look worse every week you keep trying this, and I'm getting the greatest laugh from these weak attempts of yours. 

But wait, there's more (of course there is).

There's this little item that Jason Sutherland sent me which makes Mr. Scherer look even more bad cause he can't keep his story straight from one week to the next.

From a Q&A right on his site no less. 

last week it was this.

I 'have now joined twitter' last week, and now that he was proven wrong on that one last week, here's THIS WEEK'S new 'theory', LOL. I'm now writing other newsletter writers (laughs out loud).

I wonder what the story's gonna be, NEXT WEEK when this current one doesn't work for him (smiles).

Instead of putting your time and energy into trying to make me look bad and failing, why not put that same time and energy into making sure you get stories right. Like these examples.




There's that and you site's pattern of falsely advertising things for your "Elite Membership" that anyone can see on YouTube. 





Why don't you go spend some time on that because you hang on one thing about me, that happened TWELVE YEARS AGO, but yet you and Mike Johnson has this long established pattern here.

Who do you think keeps looking worse here? Especially when all you have is that one little picture from back then, and here's the most recent pic of me, now.

Thanks for all the attention though, It's nice that you think so highly of me that you go to these lengths and in the end accomplished nothing but making you and your site look worse,

Just wave the white flag on this one, because you have this long established pattern at your site that instead of addressing and correcting? You waste all your time deflecting from those issues to post a pic of me from twelve years ago that makes me laugh every time you do it.

One pic of me versus your site's long bad pattern? yeah, you're winning this one, not even by a long shot.

Who ever took Dave's meds, please give them back to him. As you can see he's in need of them. 

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