Monday, February 14, 2022

So, Thunder Rosa Calls Out "Disrespectful Fans" At This Past Weekend's Warrior Wrestling Show, BUT.. There's Something SHE'S Forgotten


By Bill Walkowitz

Thunder Rosa lashed out over something she heard during her match at Warrior Wrestling’s show outside Chicago Saturday night. one or two fans were heard making a comment directed at Athena, who was formerly known as Ember Moon in WWE. After the match, Rosa took a microphone and responded to what she heard.

“I’m gonna tell everybody that has been talking sh*t about what we do today here, have some respect for the women who are putting their lives in danger here,” Rosa said. “Anybody that was saying bad stuff about us, you have no right to talk about us like that.  We’re just like one of the boys in the back. If you come to the show – If you come to a show, and you are being disrespectful to the athletes, you have no right to be here.”

You can see that clip here.

But actually, Rosa? YES they do have a right to be there. They bought that right the moment they bought that ticket. 

She said in a tweet that "Disrespect won't be tolerated"

Um, it HAS BEEN for decades, where the fuck she been?

Since NO OTHER Wrestling Writer at ANY OTHER wrestling news site will have the guts to say this, it'll always be up to someone here at WP&P to go ahead and say it. SSOO, I'll go ahead and educate Little Miss Rosa on the obvious that she's obviously forgotten. 

When a fan buys a ticket to ANY show, Indie or major company like AEW and WWE, they buy the right, to SAY, anything they want. It's been that way for decades and it'll continue to be, that way for decades to come.

No matter how hard you wanna try and do it, you CAN'T, control what fans will say so wave the white flag and accept the things you can not change. Because you'll never be able to change or control what fans will say at shows. No matter WHO, you are.

Nice try though.

No matter how 'disrespectful' a fan is verbally, they have that right cause? They bought that ticket. Without fans buying tickets to shows, you have no fans at shows. So wrestlers KNOW, they have to accept ANYTHING a fan says. it comes with the territory of people wanting to 'live their dream' being a professional wrestler.

So the sooner Rosa can conceive that concept and just accept that this has been the way it's always been and it will always be, the sooner she can get off her high horse. 

You can tell her she can thank me for this education, any time she wants to. 

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