Monday, February 14, 2022

Jim Cornette Reviews Jay White's AEW Debut Appearance on Dynamite (With A Note Added To This About Cornette And Last's Laziness)

Added note by Bill Walkowitz

An added note to this, Cornette asked if White ever wrestled in the United States. I guess had he and Brian Last weren't so fucking lazy, they could've done a search on Google and found out instantly that YES, he HAS wrestled in the United States.

Look how easy it was to get this answer. twenty fucking seconds, is it really that hard for them to take twenty fucking seconds to do some actual research?

I guess the answer is obvious, yes it is that hard for them.

I left a reply showing that research could be their friend if they actually took the time to actually DO, some research.

You feel like telling them they got slammed for their laziness by me, go ahead. What are they gonna do?

Nothing, cause it's the truth. 

It's not my fault they decided to be lazy and not spend a few seconds doing the research.

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