Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Former Wrestler (And Driver For Jimmy Snuka) Metal Maniac Gets "Checked"

 By Donnie Henderson

Screen grabs supplied by Bill Walkowitz

Former pro wrestler, Metal Maniac (real name not put here to protect the guilty) who used to drive the late Jimmy Snuka to various indy shows they worked on (and usually wrestled each other on) tried to brace a staff member here at WP&P on YouTube and for his troubles?

He got, 'checked'. That's right, 'checked'.

It came when head writer and site creator Bill Walkowitz went and posted a clip from Jim Cornette's podcast about Metal Maniac, which you an see here at this link. Jim Cornette On The Metal Maniac .

Bill listened to the clip after he posted it here and replied with a story of his own about the Metal Maniac based on what he saw at a Sylvano Souza's Atlantic Wrestling Show in Manchester, New Hampshire back in 1997. Bill as some viewers of this site know, worked for Souza's company behind the scenes back then, setting up chairs, helping to set up the ring, and helped set up and take down a cage when they had cage matches. Bill actually wrote about his experience working there on an old Angelfire web page he used to use and I found the story which you can see at this link. Working For Souza's AWF .

Well apparently someone snitched Bill off to Mr. Maniac and Metal Maniac tried to fire back. As You'll see by the screen grabs below, Metal Maniac got his ass handed to him.

Nothing like getting your argument taken away from you at every turn by someone who has the ability to do just that.

And since we enjoy providing proof that people actually DO come to this site on a regular basis. Here's a screen grab I just took of how many people in the last hour have come to view the many things posted here. 

Hopefully Mr. Maniac by his silence since he was slayed and 'owned', will see that as a lesson taught to him. That he should just keep his mouth shut.

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