Monday, February 14, 2022

Couple Quick Announcements

 By Gino Bradley

First a special shout out (again) to Eric Renner of Meltzer's Observer/Figure Four Online, Eric Mutter, Kellie Haulotte, Mark Middleton and Matthew Wilkinson of WrestlingInc, as well as Paul Jordan over at PWInsider. The staff here at WP&P still find it amusing that the owners of the sites you write for dislike our site but you nonetheless continue to get ideas from 'here' so you can use them 'over there'. 

It's very nice to know you're fans of this site. We're glad we can provide those 'ideas' for you (smiles)

Second, for the people who used our 'contact form' to inform us of the issues you have when you use a mobile device to access this site, over the last couple of days we've made 'adjustments' to where this site is now 'mobile friendly'. Hopefully this will now give you a more pleasurable experience when you come visit this site.

Third, Our main staff writer Bill Walkowitz over the next couple of days will be reposting older articles he wrote for places such as the old Wrestling Then And Now Newsletter that Evan Ginzburg ran in the 90's, as well as articles of his time working for Sylvano Sousa's Atlantic Wrestling Federation, Fred Sparta's WWA New England, and Eastern Wrestling Alliance. 

One I'm looking forward to seeing posted here was when the late Dennis Coralluzzo, Tommy Fierro and others back in 1997, made harassing phone calls from New Jersey to where Bill lived at the time in New Hampshire. It's a very interesting story of how Bill got 'heat' for something wrote (which was a true story) and how Bill turned the tables on Dennis, Tommy, etc. 

Bill got heat back then and he still does today, which is one of the reasons why, this site has been the success it has been.

Lastly, if you have a comment, suggestion or opinion you'd like to express to us, please by all means use our 'contact form' that's located on the right side of the site. Either I, Bill or Donnie Henderson will promptly give you a response. 

Thank you all who come to this site, we hope you enjoy what we post here and encourage you to let others know about it. Your patronage is very appreciated by everyone here at Wrestling Past And Present. 

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