Wednesday, January 5, 2022

William Regal Joins Road Dogg Brian James On The Unemployment Line

 William Regal who was a lead talent scout for the company as their Director of Talent Development and Head of Global Recruiting.  The beloved veteran was also the on screen NXT General Manager.

Also heading out the door with their pink slips are..

Chris Guy aka Ace Steel who was working as a WWE Performance Center Coach.  He is the original trainer of CM Punk and was also producing matches.

Dave Kapoor aka Ranjin Singh during his time on camera for WWE managing the Great Khali.  Kapoor, a former Senior Vice President of Creative for the company, had moved to Florida last year to work full-time on the NXT brand.

Long-time WWE NXT Creative Producer Ryan Katz, who has been intricately involved in a lot of creative character development and vignettes.  He had helped countless performers improve their characterizations.  Katz taught promo classes following the passing of Dusty Rhodes and worked on a lot of packages.  Katz, who performed as GQ Money for MTV's Wrestling Society X and elsewhere, had been with WWE NXT since 2015.

And people have 'dreams' of working for the WWE?

Maybe they should redirect those dreams elsewhere. 

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