Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Looks Like He's "Gonna Have to Go CALL SSOOMMEBODY" As “Road Dogg” Brian James, was "Future Endeavored" By WWE


WWE Hall of Famer “Road Dogg” Brian James is reportedly no longer with the company, WWE announced today that due to the evolution of WWE NXT 2.0, they are parting ways with some of the staff based at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando. Sean Ross Sapp reports that James is being released as a part of the cuts.

WWE issued us the following statement on today’s ongoing cuts:

“With the continued evolution of NXT 2.0, we’ve decided to part ways with some of the staff based in our Performance Center. We thank them for their many contributions throughout the years and wish them the best.”

Yeah, I just BET they do, LOL.

James began working behind-the-scenes on the WWE creative team back in 2014, and was later promoted to the role of a lead SmackDown writer/producer in 2016. He resigned as head writer of SmackDown following WrestleMania 35 in 2019, but later that year he began working with talents on their promos and character development in NXT. James has also worked on producing NXT matches.

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